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15 056$

* This amount includes donations via Gofundme and donations by check to the Invalides au front.

Retraite Québec is appealing the Tribunal administratif du Québec’s decision to abolish the penalty imposed on people with disabilities.


Despite the fact that the Tribunal ruled this practice to be discriminatory and unconstitutional towards people with disabilities, the Legault government has decided to appeal the ruling.


To pursue our work, we need to raise funds, so we can be heard at the Superior Court. With the withdrawal of the penalty, the dates of September 24, 25, and 26, 2025 remain for clawback.


In a nutshell, here's what's at stake: When you turn 65, the Québec government automatically deems you no longer disabled—as if you had suddenly been miraculously cured. It replaces your Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) disability pension with a retirement pension that is reduced by 24% to 36%, as if you had voluntarily chosen to take an early retirement at age 60.


Thank you for your support, which will help those in need, not only today, but for generations to come.

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