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Do you believe in spontaneous healing miracles? The Québec government does!

1 mai 2023

Miracle!  Votre invalidité a disparu!


Do you believe in spontaneous healing miracles?

The Québec government does!

When you turn 65, it automatically deems you no longer disabled—as if you had suddenly been miraculously cured. It replaces your Québec Pension Plan (QPP) disability pension with a retirement pension that is reduced by 24% to 36%, as if you had voluntarily chosen to take an early retirement at age 60.

This is even more concerning given that Québec is the ONLY Canadian province to employ this UNFAIR and DISCRIMINATORY measure.

In Québec, all workers must contribute to the QPP. At age 65, they become eligible to withdraw their retirement pension, which they can also request at age 60, in exchange for a 36% penalty. A worker who becomes unable to work due to an accident or illness is considered permanently disabled and thus, receives a disability pension.

At age 65, the letter you receive from the Québec government informs you that your disability pension has ended and is being replaced with a retirement pension. It also informs you of the amount of your new pension. Having made no QPP contributions for several years (the disability pension is exempt from contributions), the amount is already reduced. Having the government deem you to have voluntarily chosen an early retirement at age 60—which adds a penalty ranging from 24% to 36%—only makes matters worse.

In February 2017, the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse declared the penalty incompatible with the Québec Charter. On February 24, 2022, the Québec government failed to eliminate the injustice when it lowered the penalty to 24%. Following the hearings held at the Tribunal administratif du Québec on May 1-4, 2023, both judges handed down a landmark decision, declaring two articles of the QPP inapplicable and discriminatory in a situation of disability, "insofar as they affect equality (...) based on physical or mental deficiencies".

Unfortunately, the Québec government did not accept the ruling and has appealed the decision—a contemptible gesture intended to perpetuate discrimination against people with disabilities.



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